Rudica s mrsom (Škabrnja, Ravni kotari)

29.12.2021 agrrazd (0) Comments


  • 1 large or 2 small heads of radish (about 2 kg)
  • ½ kg of meatier pancetta
  • ½ kg of fresh pork bones
  • 4 cloves of garlic (onion)
  • salt and pepper as needed



The outer leaves are removed from the peach, it is cut into 4 parts and the hard “heart” is removed. Immerse it in cold water to remove impurities (sporkica). Put the cleaned potatoes, cut into small cubes, in a little cold salted water. The peaches are drained and added to the potatoes and cooked until completely soft, and then the vegetables are drained.

Add finely chopped garlic to olive oil (or fat as desired), add cooked vegetables and mash with a food processor.