
20.12.2022 agrrazd (0) Comments


  • different wild grasses and sprouts of various greens
  • 3 cloves of finely chopped garlic (onion)
  • olive oil, wine vinegar, salt

Wild and bitter grasses (scallion, spinach, radicchio, etc.) and sprouts of greens (broccoli, rudica, rastika, etc.) are harvested. Boil the greens in salted water, but so that they remain tougher. When it is cooked, drain it, but keep a couple of spoons of the water in which it was cooked and let it cool. When it cools down, if necessary, add salt and season with wine vinegar (yeast) and olive oil, add finely chopped garlic and mix everything, and eat with fish or eggs.

Mixture was very often prepared for brunch as an independent dish to which hard-boiled eggs cut into pieces are sometimes added. Without eggs, mishancija is sometimes eaten as a side dish with fish.