
19.12.2022 agrrazd (0) Comments


  • 1.5 kg of cooked tripe (veal or beef giblets)
  • 15 kg of pancetta
  • 2-3 onions
  • 2 leaf leaves
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • Red pepper
  • spoon of canned tomatoes
  • Half glass of white wine
  • A bunch of parsley
  • Pepper, salt


Cut the cooked giblets into noodles, then mix them with chopped chives and pancetta, cut into cubes. Add hot water to soak the tripe, add salt and pepper, add bay leaf, canned food, red pepper and chopped garlic. Cook for about half an hour, then pour in the wine and continue cooking until the desired thickness. Towards the end of cooking, add chopped parsley. It is served warm, sprinkled with grated salty cheese. In order to increase the density and volume of the dish, two cubed tubers can be added near the end of cooking.


It is served hot, sprinkled with grated homemade salty cheese.

Interesting facts about the dish:

There are countless recipes for tripe. They are prepared as thicker soups, goulash, hot, sour or, as in Boka, with a thicker structure. Based on the thickness, it would be said that Bokelje tripe originates from northern Italy, where it has always been prepared as a thick dish that is eaten with a fork.

They are prepared with veal, beef, lamb, goat or fish offal, and depending on the region and local tastes, various foods are added to the tripe – from pasta, beans, mushrooms to tomato salsa.