
16.01.2023 agrrazd (0) Comments

Ingredients (for five meals):

  • 500/600gr Rastika/Raštan
  • 1 large red onion
  • 1 large carrot
  • vegetables, salt, pepper, oil
  • red pepper
  • gerschlo/barley or rice
  • dry meat as desired (colorful bacon, ribs, etc.)

Wash the rusk and cut it into strips. Cutting the onion into smaller pieces, and the carrot into rings. In a smaller pot, cook the barley/germ separately (only 2-3 minutes until it foams). If you don’t like gerschlo, you can add rice. Put the oil in the pot to heat it up. Add onion, carrot and stew for 5 minutes. Add rastika and continue stewing for another 5 minutes with onion and carrot. Add spices, pre-cooked geršlo/barley and dry meat (wash or boil it first). Pour water over the rastika, it depends on how much liquid you want in it, and cook for about 40 minutes.

Raštika is eaten without salad, without pepper, onion and other strong spices, with homemade bread. It is served warm in a deep plate.