Maunski gulaš (Kolan, island of Pag)

24.04.2022 agrrazd (0) Comments


  • 1 wild rabbit from Mauna islet
  • 1 large onion ( capula)  cut into thin pieces
  • 1 tablespoon of pork fat
  • 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil
  • 1 tablespoon of tomato concentrate mixed in 2 dl of water
  • 1 dl of white wine
  • 1 tablespoon of dried domestic herbs
  • ½ teaspoon of sweet red pepper
  • 2 dry bay leaves
  • spices: a little cinnamon, a few cloves, a little nutmeg,
  • 1 dl liquid tomato
  • 2 potatoes cut into cubes
  • ½ kg of spaghetti



Cut the cleaned rabbit meat into smaller pieces, wash and wipe dry. In a wide bowl, put the onion ( capula ) on the heated fat and oil so that it turns a little yellow, add pieces of meat and season with dried local herbs. Simmer on low heat for about 40 minutes, stirring constantly. Add tomato concentrate mixed in water, sweet pepper, pepper, cloves, cinnamon and grated nutmeg on the tip of a knife and two dried bay leaves. Pour wine and liquid tomato and shake the bowl well. Add water so that the liquid is always at the level of the meat, shake occasionally, but do not cover the bowl. When the meat is soft, add potatoes (to draw out the fat and to give the stew thickness).

Towards the end of cooking, cook the half-cut spaghetti in a separate bowl in salted water. When they relax, cover the bowl and cook for another 10 minutes.


The important thing about this goulash is that it is prepared with wild rabbits that are hunted on the island of Pag on the uninhabited islet of Maun. Wild rabbit stew was prepared in a similar way on other islands of the Zadar archipelago, for example in Lukoran on the island of Ugljan from wild rabbits from the islet of Idula. However, there are fewer spices in the Lukoran recipe.