
20.12.2022 agrrazd (0) Comments


  • 4 large handfuls of herbs: wild onion, fennel, wild Swiss chard, dandelion, wild carrots, scallions, scallions, wild leeks
  • a piece of dry meat or dry bacon (pancetta)
  • 2 to 3 potatoes
  • 1 handful of beans
  • ½ dl of olive oil
  • salt and pepper

Soak the collected herbs in water with a little salt. Dry meat is cooked in a pot, and when it is half cooked, potatoes are added. Sometimes, instead of dry meat, you can use fresh pork skins, which are cut into cubes before cooking. Cut the potatoes into cubes or boil them whole and finally mash them with a spoon into uneven pieces. When the potatoes are half cooked, wild herbs are added and everything is cooked together. Wild chard can be replaced by domestic chard, and it is important because it softens the intensity of wildness. Wild herbs should be boiled for about 20 minutes.

In Zadar County, dishes are traditionally prepared from
samoniklog bilja, te je svakober kao tradicionalno jelo zabilježen u mnogim mjestima zadarskoga zaleđa u raznim varijacijam. Pri tom se najvažnijom namirnicom u svakoberu smatra koromač, odnosno komorač kako se
obično naziva. Ovaj je recept zabilježen u Ninu u kojem se jelo naziva svakober, svakoberac ili svakoberje. U Posedarju se istoimeno jelo radi na kosti od pršuta, a umjesto krumpira stavlja se tjestenina, najbolje domaći
rezanci. Na otocima se srodno jelo od divljih samoniklih trava naziva mišancija.