Kukuruzna lojanica

16.01.2023 agrrazd (0) Comments

Ingredients (for 4 meals):

  • 50 dag of flour
  • 50 dag of corn flour
  • 7 dl of water
  • 30 dag of sheep fat
  • salt

Meal preparation:

Add corn flour and salt to the sifted flour, mix. Add lukewarm water. The resulting mixture must be as thick as pancake batter. The tallow is cut into cubes and added to the mixture. Grease the baking pan and put it in the heated oven. After the oil is heated, the mixture is poured into the baking pan. The lard should be thin. It is baked at 200 degrees for about 30 minutes.


It is served warm, with a spring onion or regular onion.

Interesting facts about the dish:

Lard from bravčet is first salted, wrapped in a lump, hung on a beam and dried in the smoke. Lojanica would be prepared on winter days for breakfast.