Blitva s krumpirom

06.01.2022 agrrazd (0) Comments


  • 1 kg of Swiss chard
  • 2 medium-sized potatoes (about 300 g)
  • ½ dl of olive oil (half a cup)
  • a little salt (1 teaspoon)
  • if desired, a little chopped garlic (onion)



Clean the Swiss chard, separate the stalks, especially if they are not quite young, and wash well in a few drops of water. Clean and cut the peeled potatoes into pieces and boil them in cold salted water. When the water boils, add the chard stalks, boil briefly and then add the washed chard leaves (do not overcook). Drain everything and season with olive oil in a bowl, adding additional salt if necessary. Swiss chard with potatoes is the most common side dish with all fish dishes, and is sometimes served with meat dishes as well. In many places, for example in Vinjerac, fennel is often added to Swiss chard.